Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Dearest Love and Best Friend

When I turn away, turn me back around. 
When I try to leave, keep me in your heart. 
If I react and say things, know I am only speaking to myself. 
If I push, step back so that I remember to fall into your arms. 
If I fight, just look into my eyes and tell me you love me anyway. 
Sometimes I forget who I am, and in those moments you remind me... Remember. expands beyond the illusion and never dies. 
I have never invisioned my life without you ever. 
I couldn't fathom that thought into reality. 
No riches, no material goods could ever take the place of the love I sustain for you. 
I knew when I first heard your voice in prayer...that's her.
I fell to my knees thanking God for you with such joys. 
Now I'm on my knees with gratitude and in the greatest despair of my life.
I believe in love, love with another. 
Life without it just isn't gratifying or fufillling, pretty lonely and hard with no one to share in lifes vast journey. 
Geese fly in groups in V formation because it is easier then flying alone.
Love is the Power to change the world. 
Where you learn how to come together in partnership, feel cherished and supported thru commitment. Yes, that kind of love takes work, that love can make quantum leaps to fulfill each others destiny.
So if you ask if I am ok? 
I never invisioned my life without you.
I wish I could say I choose you, our egos are having a party with this heart break. 
But I didn't choose you. 
You were already chosen for me, we just had to hang on.
God wouldn't be disappointed would he? 
I always thought twin flames join to become ONE.
In these moments when you forget who you are, I will remind you and look into your eyes to tell you, I love you.

I love you!

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